Check out the different ways to maximize your education through online learning by 浏览下面的选项卡!

十大正规网赌平台 (EGSC) is committed to protecting the privacy of all students, 不管形式如何. 作为保留其区域SACSCOC认可资格的条件, EGSC is publishing its written procedure for protecting the privacy of students enrolled 远程和函授教育课程和项目.

To protect the privacy of all students, including distance learning students, EGSC supports and complies with the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) of 1974. EGSC makes the text of the FERPA act available to all constituents via the EGSC website and publications such as the 学生手册 and Academic Catalog.

At enrollment, all EGSC students are issued a unique student identification number. This student ID becomes the unique identifier for the student throughout his/her academic 学院的职业生涯. 学院还发给每个学生一个唯一的电子邮件地址.

Through the unique student identification number or the student email address, along with a password, the student is able to access systems such as Banner (student information system), CatMail (student email system), D2L (learning management system), etc.

In a similar fashion, college personnel are also issued unique login credentials for 所有EGSC系统. 如学校不再雇用教育支援团人员, 前雇员的帐户被禁用以防止访问.



Online classes require students to take initiative and be active, independent learners. Since you do not see your professor every day, it is vital that you do the following 通过您的十大正规网赌平台课程:

    • 每周至少登录3-4次(越多越好).
    • 每次登录时都要检查每门课程的电子邮件. (记得检查你的 Brightspace由D2L的电子邮件和你的鸡蛋.定期发邮件给Edu.
    • 按照教授的要求作答.
    • Either print out the professor’s calendar (if he/she uses one in D2L) or make one of your own using your syllabus to keep track of due dates and 作业. 你的教学大纲 是课程的终极指南,所以你应该彻底学习它.

A good practice is to be involved from the first day of class and not procrastinating. Be sure you have a copy of the course syllabus close at hand and that you know how 联系你的教授. 有些教授更喜欢你用Catmail账号, 而其他人更喜欢你使用D2L电子邮件的Brightspace. 其他建议:

    • Be an active participant in class by taking advantage of materials your professor may provide, like study guides, practice quizzes, discussion boards to ask questions, 任何额外的学分机会,和你的网上同学见面.
    • 如果有不明白的地方,就问! Ask the professor and other students; many 他们中有经验丰富的十大正规网赌平台学习者.
    • 不要等到最后一分钟才交作业. 总是增加额外的东西 time—you cannot always predict when power/internet will go out or something unexpected 可能会耽误你.
    • Practice staying well organized, self-motivated, and working ahead—it is extremely 即使你错过了一个十大正规网赌平台作业,也很难赶上进度.

Yes. While cell phones can be handy for a quick check in, you will need unlimited access to a computer to engage fully in the online course and complete the necessary 作业. 这对于书面作业来说尤其如此,因为短信 “语言”这个词不合适. 写作是你交流的主要方式之一 在十大正规网赌平台课程中. 请理解,除非你能经常使用电脑, 完全的十大正规网赌平台课程不适合你.

Brightspace Pulse is a mobile app for students that can help you stay connected and 按照你的Brightspace课程进行. 它给你一个简单的课程日历视图, 阅读、作业、评估、分数、活动提要和十大正规网投平台. 这款应用会有所帮助 you to make better decisions about how to handle your workload, when to submit 作业, 什么时候准备考试. 实时警报会让你知道什么时候上课 取消,房间被移动,或新的等级可用. 时间表视图和每周 visualization enables you to quickly at a glance view what is due today, this week 在你们所有的课程中都会出现.

    • 查看每门课程的所有重要日期和截止日期
    • 快速扫一眼就能预测你最忙的时候
    • 接收最新的成绩和消息
    • 通过电子邮件、短信和社交媒体分享更新
    • 输入你自己的活动和截止日期
    • Edit course details and customize how much 作业 and tests are worth
    • 通过浏览器无缝登录Brightspace来完成任务


As part of our online teaching policy here at EGSC, all courses must have at least 一次被监控的经历. 这可能是一个测试,一个实验室,一个班级研讨会,或者其他什么 教授认为适当. 请讨论十大正规网投平台获得的问题 to campus or arranging a proctor early in the semester with your professor.

It takes up to 24 hours from the time you register for courses to appear once you 登录Brightspace. 还要记住,如果你在上eCore课程,你会记录 去上那些课 eCore网站.

确保你阅读了教学大纲中教授的教科书要求. 你可以做 安排 从书店订购课本. 你也可以在 十大正规网赌平台日程安排.